Best Practices
Social media makes up a critical part of any brands' communication strategy. For most brands, internal communications personnel are best equipped to manage the day-to-day updates of social media pages as those who are most able to provide up-to-date information to followers. Intrepid's role is to ensure these individuals and departments are properly equipped for the task. With the number and scope of available social media platforms changing frequently, Intrepid provides best practices guidelines for the use of each platform and ways to most efficiently engage your particular audience with each.
Content Development
Additionally, Intrepid can work with brands to supplement their content on social, blogs or other avenues like newsletters. Intrepid will also provide consulting on what types of content generation would be most beneficial in reaching a client’s target audience.
Intrepid has worked with athletic departments, professional franchises, retail and nonprofit clients to improve their social media. Below are a few brief case studies of the improvements seen on social media for our clients:

Prior to the 2020 ride, Intrepid was tasked with managing social accounts. Our focus was to increase rider engagement before, during, & after the virtual ride to retain & grow interest for the following year. After the first month of managing, we saw engagement increases of 179%, 135% & 192% on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter respectively. During the virtual ride, we saw engagement increase of 282%, 76% & 167% on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter respectively when compared to the previous months.

During Jimmy V Week in 2015, Intrepid consulted with and provided content for the V Foundation's social media accounts. In that time, the daily reach of their Facebook posts increased 125% and reached 74% of V Foundation followers without paid promotion*. On Twitter, impressions increased by 42% with engagement up over 200%. Finally, the number of followers on Instagram increased 25%. *Independent research found the typical organic reach of a post is 6% of followers.

In order to ensure that all those communicating through NC State Athletics official were following brand standards and using each tool effectively, Intrepid held social media best practices training with the athletics communication staff. Along with the training, Intrepid provided a content calendar for the following months. With those tools, engagement rates on Facebook (total reach divided by total engagement) on Facebook increased by 130% from summer of 2011 to summer of 2012.

Prior to the 2020 ride, Intrepid was tasked with managing social accounts. Our focus was to increase rider engagement before, during, & after the virtual ride to retain & grow interest for the following year. After the first month of managing, we saw engagement increases of 179%, 135% & 192% on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter respectively. During the virtual ride, we saw engagement increase of 282%, 76% & 167% on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter respectively when compared to the previous months.